Divorce is a difficult and emotional process, but it can be especially complicated when domestic violence is present. Victims of domestic violence face unique challenges in ending their marriage, including ensuring their safety, protecting their rights, and seeking justice. A divorce attorney with experience in domestic violence cases can be an invaluable ally in this process, providing support and legal guidance every step of the way.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects millions of Americans every year. It can take many forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and sexual abuse. In many cases, domestic violence escalates over time and can put the victim’s life in danger.

In addition to the emotional and physical toll, domestic violence can have legal implications, particularly in the context of divorce. For example, if a spouse has been abusive, the victim may need to obtain a restraining order to protect themselves and their children during the divorce process. They may also need to consider how the abuse will impact child custody, property division, and other aspects of the divorce.

Hiring a Divorce Attorney with Experience in Domestic Violence

Navigating a divorce that involves domestic violence can be overwhelming, which is why it’s important to work with an attorney who has experience in this area. A divorce attorney with experience in domestic violence cases can provide a wide range of services to clients, including:

  1. Assessing Safety Risks: One of the first things a divorce attorney with experience in domestic violence will do is assess the client’s safety risks. They will evaluate whether the client needs a restraining order, whether they need to seek emergency housing, and other safety measures.
  2. Developing a Strategy: Once safety risks have been assessed, the attorney will work with the client to develop a strategy for the divorce process. This includes determining the most appropriate legal remedies to pursue, such as obtaining a restraining order, filing for custody, support, and/or property division.
  3. Communicating with the Opposing Party: In many cases, the abusive spouse may be uncooperative or even dangerous. A divorce attorney with experience in domestic violence cases can communicate with the opposing party on the client’s behalf, helping to negotiate a safe and fair settlement.
  4. Representing the Client in Court: If the case goes to court, the divorce attorney can represent the client in front of the judge. This can be especially important in cases where the abusive spouse has legal representation, as it helps ensure that the victim’s voice is heard and their rights are protected.
  5. Providing Emotional Support: Divorce can be an emotional and stressful process, especially when domestic violence is involved. A divorce attorney with experience in domestic violence cases can provide emotional support and guidance to help the client navigate this difficult time.

Working with a Domestic Violence Attorney

In addition to a divorce attorney, victims of domestic violence may also benefit from working with a domestic violence attorney. A domestic violence attorney can provide a wide range of services to clients, including:

  1. Obtaining Restraining Orders: One of the primary functions of a domestic violence attorney is to help victims obtain restraining orders. This can provide immediate protection for the victim and their children and help prevent further abuse.
  2. Criminal Charges: If the abusive spouse has committed a crime, such as assault or battery, a domestic violence attorney can help the victim pursue criminal charges. This can be an important step in seeking justice and ensuring that the abuser is held accountable for their actions.
  3. Child Custody and Support: Domestic violence can have a significant impact on child custody and support, as the court will need to consider the safety and well-being of the children involved. A domestic violence attorney can help the victim navigate these issues and ensure that their rights are protected.
  1. Advocacy: A domestic violence attorney can also advocate for victims of domestic violence in a variety of settings. This includes working with law enforcement, healthcare providers, and other service providers to ensure that victims receive the support and resources they need.

Combining Forces: Working with a Law Firm Experienced in Both Divorce and Domestic Abuse

While working with separate divorce and domestic abuse attorneys can be beneficial, it can also be advantageous to work with a law firm with experience in both areas. A law firm with experience in both divorce and domestic abuse can provide comprehensive legal services and support to victims of domestic violence who are going through a divorce.

By working with a law firm experienced in both divorce and domestic abuse, victims can benefit from:

  1. Comprehensive Legal Support: Domestic abuse cases that involve divorce are complex and multifaceted, and require a wide range of legal expertise. A law firm experienced in divorce and domestic abuse can provide comprehensive legal support throughout the divorce process, ensuring that victims have access to all the legal services and support they need.
  2. A Unified Approach: Working with a law firm experienced in divorce and domestic abuse ensures a unified approach to the case. This can help to streamline communication between attorneys, making the process more efficient and effective for the victim.
  3. A Greater Understanding: By working with a law firm that has experience in both areas, victims can gain a greater understanding of the legal issues involved in their case. This can help them make more informed decisions and feel more in control of the divorce process.
  4. Increased Protection: When a victim of domestic violence works with a law firm that has experience in both areas, they have access to a wide range of legal remedies and protections. This can help ensure that they are safe and protected during the divorce process and beyond.


Divorce is a complex and emotional process, particularly when domestic abuse is present. Victims of domestic violence who are considering divorce need the support and guidance of experienced legal professionals who understand the intricacies of both divorce and domestic abuse. Working with a law firm with experience in both areas can provide the comprehensive legal support and protection victims need during this difficult time. If you are a victim of domestic violence who is considering divorce, it’s important to seek legal representation from a family law firm experienced in both areas.

If you are looking for a law firm that has experience in both divorce and domestic abuse, Spagnola Law in Greensboro, NC, may be the right choice for you.  With a focus on protecting the rights and well-being of victims of domestic violence, Spagnola Law can help guide you through the divorce process and ensure that you have the legal support you need to protect yourself and your family. If you are a victim of domestic violence who is considering divorce, contact Spagnola Law today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your legal options.

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