Your Alimony Lawyer

Alimony has become one of the most infamous aspects of a divorce.  It may be the reason that many divorces are put off.  Know what’s expected of you so you can make the right choice.

Set Your Limits

An Alimony Lawyer Protecting Your Interests

Like much in NC family law, couples are allowed to work out spousal support or alimony between themselves.  But if an agreement cannot be reached, the court can step in.

After the dust has settled from the divorce, there is often one thing that remains: alimony.  The word itself strikes fear in many considering filing for a divorce in Greensboro, North Carolina.  The financial ramifications can extend far further than your court date.

To make matters even more convoluted, there are no “alimony guidelines” in NC. There also isn’t a limit on how short or long payments may last. Instead, a judge in North Carolina considers a number of factors. Where do you even start with all that?

The best advice we can give is to act promptly and rationally.  You need a qualified, dedicated alimony lawyer who will act quickly and decisively to protect you, your financial situation, and your rights.

Man Taking Money Out of Wallet for Alimony

Protecting You

Don’t let your voice go unheard.  You need representation who is looking out for you. Spagnola Law Firm is your advocate.

Protecting Assets

Keep your post-marriage finances safe.  Retain an alimony lawyer who understands what you need for security and comfort.

Protecting Rights

Don’t give up any of your rights without a fight.  Assert your rights as a spouse and know where you stand legally.

Treating You Fairly

It is the court’s job to award alimony based on equality.  However, what is considered “fair” by both parties is often subject to fiery debate.  Don’t pay more than you owe and don’t get less than you deserve.

The amount of alimony payments required can be affected by many different factors.  And taking all of these factors into consideration can make the whole matter seem even more confusing.  You need a legal advocate and partner.

Whether it’s filing for a divorce or determining fair alimony payments, we want you to rest easy knowing exactly what’s happening with your case.

That’s how we not only achieve legal victories in NC divorce cases, but also provide peace of mind.

Woman and Judge Coming to a Legal Agreement

Know Your Situation

Experienced Alimony Representation

Family Court Alimony Judge

Since there’s no set guidelines for alimony in NC, it’s important to retain experienced representation familiar with the different local judges and how they determine alimony payments.

Fair Interests

The separate financial standings of couples are often quite different.  Make sure your financial status is clearly represented in court and the defined payments are fair.  Don’t be over or under-represented.  Have an experienced attorney on your side.

Balanced Support

Alimony, whether voluntary or court-ordered, it a contentious issue.  How to you make sure you’re paying or being paid what you’re due?  The answer is simple.  You need a lawyer familiar with the NC alimony system who knows the judges and the processes.


Post-Separation Support


Alimony Payments


Dependent Spouses


Supporting Spouses


Modification of Alimony


Spousal Support

About Spagnola Law

Experienced Alimony Lawyer in Greensboro, NC

Alimony after a divorce isn’t automatic.  It must be requested, negotiated, and granted.

If you’re financially dependent on your spouse, a NC spousal support attorney can help you file and request payments.  If you’re the supporting spouse, your interests also need representation.

The Spagnola Law Firm has worked with hundreds of families and couples in Greensboro and other areas of the Triad.  We know the local legal system and we know how to protect your rights, interests, and finances.  We consistently deliver the best results we can for every single client.

We believe everyone deserves not only their day in court, but fair and effective legal representation when that day comes.  Everyone deserves a good family law attorney.

If you’re facing the NC court system for alimony, we can help.  We learn every nuance of your specific case to ensure you have the best legal counsel when that day comes.

Will I Have to Pay Alimony?

Either spouse who qualifies may request alimony, but not everyone receives it.  A qualified alimony lawyer can advise on eligibility and argue in court for the duration and amount of spousal support needed.

Who Determines Alimony Payments?

Alimony payments in NC can be come to voluntarily or ordered by a judge.  In  many divorce proceedings, emotions run high.  So it’s important to have qualified representation to ensure you’re getting the best possible outcome with paying or receiving alimony.

What Is Post-Separation Support?

Post-separation support is the support payments made from one spouse to another during the legal separation.  After the divorce is finalized, these payments may be codified in court or in an agreement and is referred to as “alimony.”

Why Spagnola Law Alimony?

Don’t let alimony payments scare you.  With the right divorce representation in Greensboro, NC, you can make sure you pay or receive fair amounts.  Know where you stand in your alimony case and have an attorney who will fight for you in court.

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