Family Law: Property Division During a Divorce

Family Law: Property Division During a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a tedious process. Not only will you have to deal with the emotional and mental stress that separation brings, there is also the physical exhaustion of having to go through the entire procedure.  It isn’t as simple as signing a...
Alimony Facts in NC – Top Family Law Questions

Alimony Facts in NC – Top Family Law Questions

In the unfortunate event that you are going through divorce proceedings, it is important to fully understand the rules around alimony in North Carolina, as these may differ from state to state, and there are strict criteria you must adhere to.  What is alimony and why...
11 Common Bankruptcy Myths

11 Common Bankruptcy Myths

Finances can have the power to leave you in a very difficult and stressful situation, and bankruptcy is one financial situation that you do not want to find yourself in. Nevertheless, despite hard work and good intentions, it can still happen, and if it does, it’s...
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